Creative Struggle, the Individual, Morality and Human Nature / Humanity
Philosophical ruminations on individuality, struggle, human nature, morality, creativity, the complexities of being and a little bit of reflection on life the universe and one’s own disappointed idealism.
Chapters Intro – Week from Hell – 0:00
Anxiety about Society and how Creatives function in that society (Love individuals / ambivalence towards humanity) 2:00
Why must we define? Societal pressure 03:55
I’m disappointed – we are lead by the least amongst us 05:00
Aspiring to something more – Herd values and creating new ones – Morality 09:13
You will suffer and there is no escape
11:56 Know thyself – Know your negativity
15:25 institutions are already dead – holding pens of current power and consumer capitalism
17:30 Consumer Capitalism is in endgame
18:54 Looking at the Herd again Morality – repetition
23:00 Civilisation will change soon – More extreme or a radical change ?
26:00 Nobody is in control and there is no God
Love is important 29:41